CUNY Language Maps

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CUNY Language Maps

MAP 1 | All Language Courses at CUNY. This map lists the languages each college is registered to teach according to the CUNYFirst system.
Languages highlighted in orange are currently being taught (updated Fall 2020)

Click on a Campus to See What Languages Are Taught There!

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Borough of Manhattan Community College: 40.718352, -74.011926
College of Staten Island: 40.601510, -74.150100
Kingsborough Community College: 40.578295, -73.935596
Brooklyn College: 40.630995, -73.954412
Medgar Evers College: 40.666205, -73.957372
New York City College of Technology: 40.695534, -73.987459
Baruch College: 40.740294, -73.983568
John Jay College of Criminal Justice: 40.770257, -73.988284
LaGuardia Community College: 40.744257, -73.937931
Hunter College: 40.768702, -73.964876
City College of New York: 40.820047, -73.949272
Hostos Community College: 40.817915, -73.926770
Bronx Community College: 40.857927, -73.912602
Lehman College: 40.873318, -73.894140
Queens College: 40.736290, -73.820286
York College: 40.700751, -73.797058
Queensborough Community College: 40.755758, -73.756360
The Graduate Center: 40.748649, -73.984007


MAP 2 | Heritage Language Courses at CUNY. This map lists where heritage learner course tracks are available for specific languages according to departmental information.
Languages highlighted in orange are currently being taught (updated Fall 2020).

Click on a Campus to See Where Heritage Language Tracks Are Available to CUNY Language Students!

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Baruch College: 40.740294, -73.983568
Bronx Community College: 40.857927, -73.912602
Brooklyn College: 40.630995, -73.954412
City College New York: 40.820047, -73.949272
College of Staten Island: 40.601510, -74.150100
Hostos Community College: 40.817915, -73.926770
John Jay College of Criminal Justice: 40.770257, -73.988284
Kingsborough Community College: 40.578295, -73.935596
LaGuardia Community College: 40.744257, -73.937931
Lehman College: 40.873318, -73.894140
Medgar Evers College: 40.666205, -73.957372
Queens College: 40.736290, -73.820286
York College: 40.700751, -73.797058
Queensborough Community College: 40.755758, -73.756360
Hunter College: 40.768702, -73.964876
Borough of Manhattan Community College: 40.717875, -74.014227
New York City College of Technology: 40.676315, -73.958931


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