To what extent can the functional writing proficiency of Spanish heritage language learners develop after one semester of post-secondary instruction?
Category: Heritage Language Education
Are Heritage Language Learners More Proficient Speakers than Writers?
This page features details about ILETC’s 2020 publication in Foreign Language Annals, entitled “Are Heritage Speakers of Spanish Significantly Better at Speaking than at Writing? …
Heritage Language Learner A student who is raised in a home where a non-English language is spoken, who speaks or at least understands the language, and who is to some …
Our Workshops are available on-demand. Contact [email protected]
External Links
Teaching Heritage Languages On-line Workshop National Heritage Language Resource Center Alliance for the Advancement of Heritage Languages
Innovations in Language Education (ILE) Grants
The text below provides general instructions on ILETC’s ILE grants, which are currently on hiatus due to changes in funding. For information on past projects and recipients, visit: 2014-2015; 2016-2017; …
What are the strengths and weaknesses of Advanced Heritage Language Writers?
Criteria The following tables reproduce the ACTFL descriptors for Advanced and Superior writing proficiency. Use them to understand what an Advanced writer can do and what this writer needs to master to become a …
What are the strengths and weaknesses of Intermediate Heritage Language Writers?
Criteria The following tables reproduce the ACTFL descriptors for Intermediate and Advanced writing proficiency. Use them to understand what an Intermediate writer can do and what this writer needs to …
Who Are Heritage Language Learners?
General Definition The most widely used definition of heritage language learners (HLLs) in the US, taken from Valdés (2000), identifies an HLL as a student who is raised in a …
Writing Proficiency of Heritage Language Learners
The CILC Writing Proficiency of Heritage Language Learners (WPHLL) page is on the CILC website, here. The WPHLL pages provide resources for instructors whose goal is to develop the writing proficiency …