Writing Proficiency Development of Heritage Language Learners (WPDHLL)

To what extent can the functional writing proficiency of Spanish heritage language learners develop after one semester of post-secondary instruction?


Gatti, A., Graves, S., & Durán Urrea, E. (2024). Writing Proficiency Development of Spanish Heritage Language Learners: Does Starting Proficiency Matter? Heritage Language Journal, 21(1), 1-29. https://doi.org/10.1163/15507076-bja10032 


2019 | ACTFL

Gatti, A., & Durán Urréa, E., Graves, S. (2019, November 22-24). Writing Proficiency Development of Spanish Heritage Language Learners. [Conference presentation]. American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Convention and Expo, Washington, DC.

2020 | NSSHL

Gatti, A.Graves, S., & Durán Urréa, E. (2020, February 27-29). Writing Proficiency Development of Spanish Heritage Language Learners [Conference presentation]. Seventh National Symposium on Spanish as a Heritage Language (NSSHL7), Albuquerque, NM.

2021 | ISB13

Gatti, A., & Graves, S. (2021, July 10–14). Writing proficiency development of young adult Spanish heritage language learners [Conference presentation]. International Symposium on Bilingualism 13th Annual Meeting, Warsaw, Poland.


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